Jak się pracuje w OPENLINE Warszawa Ogrodowa? Zadaj pytanie

Niżej możesz napisać pytanie o to jak się pracuje w OPENLINE Warszawa, jak wygląda praca, jakie są zarobki. Sprawdź czy praca w OPENLINE jest dla Ciebie! 

Najnowsze pytania nt. pracy w OPENLINE w Warszawa Ogrodowa


We used the "SERVICES" Openline Sp. z.o.o. in December and would like to share all the details of our "trip". We are a family of 5 (3 adults and 2 teenagers). Booked and paid for tickets on December 1st. The trip was scheduled for December 25th at 03:30 Lvov-Odessa(Zelena Góra-Chersoń). We chose this option as it suited us in time - we arrived in Lviv at 01:30 and the bus at 03:30, we did not want to stay in Lviv, we thought straight to Odessa. Departure from the Lviv railway station - it was not entirely clear stop - on the ticket indicated: parking cafe pizza. In reality, there are two parking lots, on the right and left sides of the railway station and next to both there are a pizzeria. At the appointed time, we stood at the bus stop (checking at the same time, running to both parking lots). I want to note that the weather was sub-zero, with snow. We could not enter the cafe because we were afraid to miss the bus. We waited until 4:30..... Nobody contacted us! We found Infobus contacts and wrote ourselves, to which we received an answer at 4:36 am: The bus at the Ukrainian side border, about two hours will be in Lviv. We did not notes when we took tickets that the bus was going from abroad. Purchased tickets as Lviv-Odessa. We travel a lot and understand that unforeseen circumstances arise on the road! Why was there no notification that there is a delay? Warn???? Still contacted at 5:30 the answer was : Approximately in a 1.5 hour. We waited nearby in a cafe: constantly running out to each bus not to miss it. The bus arrived at 7:30 !!!!! instead of the prescribed 03:30 !!! We are tired, frozen, but glad that now we will sit (usunięte przez administratora) in a warm place and fall asleep till Odessa, run up to the bus .... and we run into disrespect and rudeness on the part of the drivers !!! The drivers were standing near the luggage compartment, in order to attract their attention, we had to raise our voice and explain that we have tickets and we need a place for luggage (5 suitcases) for which the driver pointed to the luggage compartment (packed to capacity) and said: -If you find a place, then lay it (usunięte przez administratora) I'm not a loader for you !!! We were very tired and cold, we didn't have the strength to swear, we somehow managed to put 3 suitcases. At this time, I told children to get on the bus - they were very cold. Before entering, the driver began to shout: -I gave you permission to come in ????? How many of you are there? I repeated that we have 5 tickets. The driver, with an impudent expression on his face and a grin, said: -And I have only 4 seats, I can take four !!!!! After a verbal skirmish with me (the rest do not know Russian, and the drivers do not speak English), the drivers let us into the bus, we left 2 suitcases in the aisle (the entire passage and steps were packed with suitcases - it was only possible to climb on toes). On the condition that passengers leave in Ternopil and there will be seats. One of us sat in the back, someone in the middle, someone in front and one of my daughters sat ON THE FLOOR BETWEEN THE SEATS !!!! None of the drivers asked for tickets, no covid certificate, no one wore masks !! The passage to the driver was filled with suitcases to the ceiling !!! So we drove to Ternopil. In Ternopil, I noticed that the drivers negotiate with new passengers, for which I demanded to find a place for us first and then take new ones !!!!! We asked in Odessa to stop us at the bus station, but we were refused, In Odessa the driver stopped several times at will passengers, stopped on the highway, but we were refused to stop at the central bus station! We "got" to Odessa instead of 15:30 at 21:30 !!! 6 hours late !!!!!! This is more than contingencies !!! Why did we wait in Lviv for 4 hours? Why weren't we warned and we could find other options for us ???? We could change tickets for another day and calmly stay at a hotel in Lviv, instead of 4 hours of waiting in the cold !!!! The ugly attitude and conditions for the carriage of passengers, especially in the case of a covid situation in the country !!! About the Internet on the bus and that we were not sitting next to each other - I just keep quiet !!

Zostaw merytoryczną opinię o OPENLINE - Warszawa

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ikona dobre praktyki
łamie prawo polskie
ikona dobre praktyki
jest niezgodna z regulaminem serwisu GoWork.pl
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jest wulgarnym komentarzem
ikona dobre praktyki
jest niemerytoryczna

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przebieg on-boardingu nowego pracownika
ikona dobre praktyki
proponowane przez Pracodawcę wartości wynagrodzenia
ikona dobre praktyki
codzienna praca, również w relacji z przełożonymi
ikona dobre praktyki
panująca atmosfera w pracy

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