Ensono Sp. z o.o.

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Kultura i wartości

Co zyskasz pracując w Ensono?

  • Realne możliwości rozwoju i awansu
    One year after joining Ensono, I had an opportunity to became a manager of Windows Team. My supervisors and Ensono training programs are constantly helping me to develop in my new role.

    Manager Information Technology

  • Elastyczność
    Flexibility at workplace for me - a mum of two daughters - mainly means helping in balancing work with family responsibilities. At Ensono I have opportunity to work from home and adjust working hours to my family week schedule. I believe that Ensono enables both business and individuals needs to be met.

    CPE Support Specialist

  • Rozwój umiejętności i udział w szkoleniach
    Work in Ensono gave me an opportunity to realize some of my self study plan in the first 2 months of work. I am much obliged for such opportunity despite that I am still on probation. Thanks to this I feel more confident with knowledge I earned and need in my daily responsibilities.

    Support Engineer Level 3 Linux

  • Międzynarodowe środowisko
    In Ensono each day is a new challenge so the ability to adjust to rapidly changing environment is invaluable. The job brings plenty of opportunities to shine for anyone who wishes to engage beyond what is minimally required and allows for multi directional development by continuous collaboration with diverse teams.

    Incident Manager

  • Praca zespołowa
    During my 3 years with Ensono I had an opportunity to work so with many people from various departments around the globe. It has not only enriched my working experience but it made me believe that distance does not matter as long as you work with fantastic people.

    Office Manager



Ensono Sp. z o.o.