Opinie o Goldman Sachs Poland Services Sp. z o.o. w Warszawa Plac Europejski 1

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Najnowsze opinie pracowników, klientów i kandydatów do pracy o Goldman Sachs Poland Services Sp. z o.o. w Warszawa Plac Europejski 1


Tragedia, nie polecam. Duzo kontaktu z Indiami przez co przesiaka kultura wyscigu szczurow oraz obrzucania sie blotem w bialych rekawiczkach. Jest to back office back officu nikt nie traktuje polakow powaznie - praca najmniej wymagajaca.

Piotr Nowy wpis
Były pracownik

Ronica pomiedzy Polakami a Hindusami jest taka ze ci drudzy siebie wzajemnie promuja, wspieraja, sciagaja na zachod .Niestety Polacy to by siebie potopili, juz nie mowiac ze w Warszawie prosty szyld GS peewnie wiecej robi niz wlasciwe zarobki zawsze przyrownywalne do lokalnej konkurencji a nie globalnej polityki banku. Jakby tego nie powiedziec wciaz nas traktuja jak rynek rozwijajacy sie i raczej ta glupia rywalizacja o pietruszke(wzgledem tego co zarabia zachod) w tym nie pomaga. Wg nich widocznie powinnismy byc wdzieczni ze wielki bank wykorzystuje ludzi za pol darmo, obiecujac ze w przyszlosci to zaprocentuje.Otoz praca jaka wykonuja Indie czy Polska z reguly jest najmniej rozwijajaca,ktora pozbyli sie chcetnie.

Były pracownik

Tu sie z Toba zgodze ... sam zardzad w US pisal o utworzeniu w Polsce stality office ze wzgledu na koszty... oczywiscie scieme diversity tez dodadza ale przyrownujac place i oboawiazki to jest dokladnie jak mowisz BACK od BACK OFFICE - czyli nawet Indie czuja sie bardziej wazeniejsze niz Polska. Dodam wymogi na Executive Director w Wwie to 1/2 tego co wymaga sie w Dublinie czy Londynie. Laski ktore nigdy nie bylyby nawet managerami, ani nie moga sie nazywac bankowcami, bo maja profil typowo delivery nie majacy nic wspolnego z kwalifikacjami.

Thor Nowy wpis

You are comparing tier1 NYC even London isn’t up to New York standards (salaries if you will check fishbowl etc are easily 30/40% higher in Big Apple, this doesn’t apply to the rest less prestigious US offices) with offices level shared service centres, only comparable with East Asia.As long you do not have these direct comparison you are blind folded and really should you care if polish GS benchmarking salaries I bet against Polish JP Morgan or UBS even polish Citi although one of the oldest and 1 having strategic local CEE decision maker roles(unique as London/NYC/even Dunlin/Frankfurt etc do not offshore those power roles) has less typical IB back office roles. True people in Warsaw are and will be less experienced on even ED/VP this is due to salaries gap between Poland(East) and West is huge and to attract talents from the west you have to be rally competitive, when whole strategy is to set centre at cost savings targets. However is it such bad thing?Being honest in NY barely % moves from low paid back office to front office. All people I read in GS shared centre dream to move to the west and leave middle, back office repeatable and in developing roles, with huge long hours and in contrast to front office little pay. Your ego won’t hurt so much if you have live after work, self-development activities etc. Alternative solution is to cheat, play corporate games and hoping karma won’t come back, most case it doesn't you aren’t showing both excellent emotional intelligence and very strong technical skills.Most cases I have seen was weak managers being bullied only because they had crap mba instead more demanding and difficult qualifications and desperate tried to cover their incompetence.MbA aren’t even recognized across financial services as they are dodgy and you can buy with exception very top10 of these them easily. I know people literally outsourcing mba to professional copywriters only to meet generic HR criteria and cheat with not having qualifications instead(those aren’t anywhere close and not supplementary).Next time when you will have crappy manager delegating crap she/he doesn't understand check their backgrounds 99% they will be wish woshy mba instead real bankers.Those are always in panic to recruit more senior more expo than themselves as it can cost them their own job very, very quickly as NY and London prefers true professionals to work with instead.On top of this bank like GS has obligations to recruit minoroties(they lower threshold) ex-military etc those people are random too but most times never deployed in senior, financial sensitive roles.

Thor Nowy wpis

There obvious pros and cons back office or as we call across financial service and banking shared services centres: Pros: -less pressure, easier job based on processes as those we offshore 1st almoat 15 years ago and started this process - more reasonable working hours / better work-life balance - GS is the only bank I know allowing from Eastern Europe move internally to Us/Middle East even way more brutal London, but never seen anyone above associate to succeed in this, partly because ED\VP here would get pissed as level those in Poland and here are so much different, selling analyst or associate is simpler less intrusive. - maybe less backstabbing colleagues, higher payout bigger risk sb can report ok you, you have to keep month shut at all times and bwifn paranoid not trusting anyone around - living in Poland crazy country but women are among the most beautiful, find one not spoiled and with traditional family value and you wouldn’t care even difference with salary if she can support you and vice verse.Western men are fed up with feministic lobby, in London you have to pretend to be gay, lesbian to get better chances with D&I as nwjnf straight can exclude from traditional HR recruitment process. Cons: - obvious salary (but be aware that even Lkndin gets paid at front office barely 60/70% US salaries and I meant NYC as even US is split on US A/category and B like for example Texas or FL - prestige (as London and NY consider Poland as India equivalent) - low recognition( if Goldman’s London, New York badge help a lot in exit options like KKK, Blackrock etc) nobody even heard about polish Goldman - depending on career level you work with my apologies to say this less experience and more random people, not saying it is horribly wrong by selection in Poland is the easiest in whole bank network! When they were opening this office ED get was so simple, now it is matter of unsecured local managers scared too senior colleagues and their own internal competition as job they do still is basic to London’s comparable standards. Those you can also find in NYC or London never in responsible financial roles more like shared.service BS leaders roles, what enjoys everyone knowing the banking jobs, technical experts as those tend to kissing as.. and only delegate job workout even knowing how-to do it.The worst type and weakest leadership by HR mistakes to recruit them in 1st place to this people mix. Overall I wouldn't be so much harsh on Warsaw office as working conditions might be 2x better than most us in middle or back office in London. If you work to life not other way round and want to have family, kids etc it might be even better option than here.

Become ED/VP Front Office GS Nowy wpis

The biggest GS problem is that there is no meritocracy. Having worked in IB for more than 15years, I’ve seen tremendous injustices in terms of promotions, pay, and culture. Goldman is now difference. HR tends to recruit mix of brilliant people, which we can divided into 2 categories: - superbly educated and mediocre ones too (mostly with bought MBAs, not even target, expensive ones, as we are seeing many random, non-name candidates).Being superb, CFA, Phd technical is a deep liability because you’re expected to stay quiet and just churn out work. Point to notice in Poland those requirements are among the lowest in whole GS - due to back office role and salaries (GS admits Poland is cost saving office) where ED = more like manager in London, not more than this...supervisor graduates comparing CVs. - Administrators, sliders based on bosses liking than skills. Conversely, the people who are incapable of producing quality work are assigned “softer jobs” such as going to meetings, presenting to higher ups, and eventually managing others. Sooner or later all the “smart” people end up reporting to people who don’t understand the business but are good at sucking up to their boss. Those mainly have MBAs expert of nothing! I don’t have an axe to grind, and actually think this culture has helped my career. In fact it is a great place to learn and grow if you have luck to deal with 1st category! Provided exit opportunities (if you are not too old(bias) Hedge Funds etc in my case, Smart people but very cut through sometimes too. Nevertheless I can call myself a lucky person as managed to land my role pretty easily within the FO last year although: - My background by any means wasn’t an obvious choice for FO as former generic Firmops so OP experience, never involved in pitching before, not like most colleagues coming firm Risk or Finance etc - I’m unique as I didn’t have any expensive target Ivy(US)/Russel Group(UK) diploma,in fact I have graduated mediocre accounting major in one of Easter European Unis, not even the most competitive major to start with, so it isn’t true that only those break in, it is possible even in FO! - I’m not qualified – neither FCA, FRM, ACCA etc, in fact Analyst I managed tend to be more technical as far my operation 15YeO goes. - I did one of the budget friendliest(budget&language barrier)non-target London’s MBA – costed £16k ca., most colleagues have LSE (costed £110-140£k eMBA) etc in comparison, due to problems with communication I was also forced to use help copywriters to achieve my final result no suprise other banks don't care about MBAs at all! - My communication skills although average as I have never studied English language as my 1st foreign language, nor my Polish accent luckily hasn’t impacted chances. Know sectors at FS are very biased in London. In other words not only geniuses get ED roles but also like my case process masters as I was lucky to work on process in competitive bank they wanted. - CHEAT TRICK - I have completed one of the cheapest (due to budget limitation and language barrier) non-target (as some called it Micky Mouse MBA) London’s MBA with added in package CMI low grade certification, not examinable,nb really recognize across the industry – costed about +£16k, which was later luckily merged with City Uni giving label boost a bit. Main requirement was pass basic IELTS test not like in more professional MBA programmes (GMAT).Due to problems with communication I was also forced to use extensive help copywriters to achieve my final result. One of advantages MBA over restrict self-study qualification as many people and alumni was doing the same, due to work commitments etc. - Finally if I were a men probably not meeting diversity targets (GS it is no surprise aims to increase % women at all cost) Policy vs Reality “The firm is committed to providing equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all qualified persons ... law, including race, nationality, sex, gender, religion...” I’m keep telling friends that in this business and such completive environment, there is no space for too old, too experienced candidates as they tend to create leaderships challenges and raising questions about operational sense and ways of doing things. When speed and accuracy are the most important in this role alongside soft skills managed highly skilled professionals. I personally tend to recruit only young candidates, who are willing to make extra effort, work long hours and do not challenge supervisors causing unnecessary fractions. Integrity and ethics: Neither GS not my previous bank wouldn’t probably mind if I will admit that I’ve spent prior few years clamming social housing benefits as well, living with my further family in their council flat and still work as AVP in investment bank.I simply exploited a system gaps. To summarize I’m not exactly a raw model for junior colleagues better qualified and technically skilled but who cares!

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