Mobica.Com (Mobica Limited Poland)

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Your Development


We partner with Udemy, the world’s leading online training platform, to provide you with access to global training programmes at a time to suit you. We also deliver an annual suite of externally accredited and certified learning programmes, as well as funding people to attend key international conferences.

With a team of highly specialist engineers, we also make time to learn from each other. Internal workshops and learning sessions are designed and delivered by Mobicans to showcase the amazing work we do and how we are creating the future with our clients. There is also the opportunity to get involved in activities which drive innovation for our business.

Our managers and leaders receive the support they need to help them create and sustain highly motivated teams, and our internal resourcing processes and annual appraisal process are designed to help everyone in Mobica highlight areas for their development in which Mobica can support and invest. →

Mobica Limited Poland