Testronic Labs

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Functionality Quality Assurance

Functionality QA (FQA), is the biggest department of Testronic, responsible for identifying and reporting functional defects which affect players experience, and ultimately impact overall game quality.

Localisation Quality Assurance

Gaming is an international language. Making sure you’re a hit in new markets gives way to attracting larger audiences, creating bigger franchises and big wins for brand awareness. Localisation QA and Translation is key. We can help make sure you never say rubber, when you meant to say rubber.

Player Support

Testronic’s Player Support focuses directly on the growing demand and capabilities of the Gaming Industry. We provide a bespoke customer support service customised to the specific needs of our clients, creating a richer gaming experience for the end users.


Film & TV

Testronic FTV are the global provider of QA for all of content channels, from cloud to, discs and everything in-between. 

Film & TV were the first department established by Testronic offering video testing.


Testronic provides full translation, proofreading, text review, transcriptions, or any other linguistic service that may be required in any language combination needed. We can provide upwards of 40 languages as required.




Testronic Labs