Mobica.Com (Mobica Limited Poland)

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Which steps should you be taking to successfully adopt AI in your business?

Unlike the rise of computers and digital technology as a whole, when we start to look at AI and data, we are no longer looking at a change that could take a generation. Instead, these changes are happening now and we will most likely start to see an impact within the next five years.

The Norwegian Cognitive Center is hosting an online webinar that will delve into Applied AI cases. Huw Parry and Technical Solutions Architect Przemyslaw Krokosz from Mobica will be speaking alongside & Aquabyte, sharing their insight into how AI can transform business outcomes.
If you require any further information about this event or how Mobica can develop the AI solutions you need for your business email our team



Like most businesses, throughout the pandemic, the automotive sector has relied heavily on cloud and automation technologies to keep operations running remotely.

Going forward, a tech will be vital to automotive manufacturers. Machine learning can help detect issues, anomalies and patterns in data to improve reliability and business efficiency. It's already happening and shows no signs in slowing down.

We partner with the world's leading automotive OEM's and Tier 1 companies and have completed over 500 successful projects. Rather than relying solely on our deep knowledge expertise in this industry, we add real value by drawing on our insights and experience from across multiple sectors such as fintech, connected devices, telecoms, navigation and many more.

Looking ahead to the future? Let us help you develop the solutions you need and enable you to truly transform your product or service.



As the UK’s number one Smart Tech innovator, our teams are constantly striving to accelerate and transform existing technologies. We recently partnered with a well-known HMI framework provider to develop a next-gen concept for vehicles, expanding the use of a car, not just as a means to get us from one place to another, but upgrading it to become more.

This innovative HMI concept solution is based on highly personalised experiences; enhancing the UX design with augmented reality integration and holograms, allowing personal mobile device integration and also allows for additional HMI instances such as pillar displays, HuD and digital mirrors. The potential value of this system with gesture recognition and autonomous vehicle level 4 & 5 features, firmly moves the car into space where it is firmly connected to the consumer.

With automotive competence centres and deep knowledge expertise, covering silicon, IoT, fintech, telecoms, media, entertainment, and navigation, we can help you develop the solutions that are now transforming the sector.

Want to find out more? Get in touch directly with our automotive team here



Cześć anonimowy użytkowniku!  

zapewne Twoja obecność tutaj spowodowana jest tym, że chciałbyś się wypowiedzieć na nasz temat lub dowiedzieć się więcej o nas, bo rozważasz dołączenie do naszego zespołu. Cieszymy się, że odwiedziłeś nasz profil.

Chcemy być wszędzie tam, gdzie poruszane są kwestie ważne z punktu widzenia naszej firmy. Twoja obecność w tym miejscu jest dla nas sygnałem do rozpoczęcia dialogu, podjęcia próby odpowiedzi na pytania, które Ciebie nurtują, interakcji z Tobą.

Na rynku technologicznych istniejemy od 2004. Zajmujemy się rozwojem oprogramowania dla wielu światowych koncernów. Istniejemy nie tylko w sektorze Silicon, ale także Automotive i Connected Devices. Dzięki pracy dla różnorodnych klientów nasi inżynierowie specjalizują się w szerokim wachlarzu stosu technologicznego od programowania niskopoziomowego po aplikacje webowe i BigData.
W sektorze Silicon skupiamy się na oprogramowaniu leżącym najbliżej sprzętu, jak firmware, sterowniki dla Linuxa lub Windowsa, systemy wbudowane i pokrewne technologie wykorzystywane w programowaniu niskopoziomowym.

Nasze sukcesy projektowe zawdzięczamy naszym pracownikom- utalentowanym ludziom, których wiedza i umiejętności sprawiają, że tworzymy rozwiązania, które zmieniają świat. Dziękujemy, że jesteście z nami!

Efekty naszej pracy zostały dostrzeżone i wyróżnione przez London Stock Exchange, Sunday Times Tech track top 100, Królową Brytyjską otrzymując nagrodę w kategorii International Trade.

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany pracą u nas zachęcamy do kontaktu bezpośrednio z działem rekrutacji

Możesz też śledzić nasze konto firmowe na LinkedIn lub Facebook.

Natomiast jeśli potrzebujesz podzielić się komentarzem lub swoją opinią na temat naszej organizacji, zrób to tutaj.

Pamiętaj, że wszelkie komentarze, które są obraźliwe, nieprawdziwe i łamiące regulamin GO będą usuwane przez administratora.

Każdy człowiek ma prawo do własnej opinii, nie każdy umie opiniować z klasą.




Zespół Mobica



The concept of Product-as-a-Service has excited many who have been looking at the potential opportunities for brands over the last few years. But, while talk around the topic continues, examples of where this alternative business model is being rolled out are limited.

We recently co-hosted a roundtable with Arm that brought together technology providers and household consumer brands to discuss the opportunities and challenges in this space. We were seeking to understand how manufacturers can utilise #IoT to turn their products into a service.

Click here to



After being nominated by Enigma pattern to partake in the ITchallenge, It was no surprise to see the Mobicans accept and support the cause for little Maja. Maja has been diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscle Atrophy). This deadly disease robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe.
The challenge consisted of people doing push-ups and posting it out to raise awareness and fund for the treatment that little Maja needs. It is always great to see the Mobicans use what we have for the greater good and we want to thank all Mobicans who took part in supporting the cause.
Maja's donating page is still running so if you can, please donate!!



Last month, we held our first embedded webinar. The event had 147 people register with 98 attendees, an impressive 67% attendee rate. This is a great result for our first virtual meetup event.

The Embedded Meetups are a Mobica tradition, consisting of 3 lectures on widely understood embedded systems conducted by real enthusiasts and experts. This year it was held online, Łukasz Dawiduk started the event with his overview of the silicon sector followed by Michał Paszta discussing the “Selection of operating systems for embedded devices in a diverse IoT environment.” Przemysław Krokosz then proceeded with “New secure IoT solutions” finishing it off with Marcin Bis providing a “Practical introduction to the Yocto Project.”

We want to thank everyone who attended the event as well as Łukasz Dawiduk, Michał Paszta, Przemek Krokosz and Marcin Bis for speaking at the event. Also, thanks to Michał Cibor for his technical support as well as Katarzyna Wnuk (host), Izabela Wiatrowska, Magdalena Gołębiewska and Karol Dubas for organising the whole webinar.

Thinking of attending the next Mobica Meetup? be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates on when the next event will be. 

Mobica Limited Poland